Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year Upon Us


I just love this tag from Chris. Thank ya, darling!

I`ve been reading lots of journals about this year, the upcoming new year, reminiscing about the past and looking with hope to the future. I suppose I`m no different. I have things I hope to improve on and do better in 2007.


The year 2007 should prove to be a year of transition for myself. For one thing, my treatments for leukemia will end. It`s been a long two years. I`m excited about this and something I don`t say much - also a bit nervous about it. In this, as I try to do with all things, I will lift it up to the Lord.

I`ve made some resolutions in 3 areas of my life. All of them will involve some renewed discipline from myself: My commitment to the Lord, my weight, and my finances.

I talked to Corey on the phone today. She`s been so busy on her trip that we haven`t had much time to chat. She`s having a grand time with her group. Already she is talking about summer projects with Campus Crusade For Christ, either stateside or abroad. My shy, quiet, little girl has blossomed into a young woman who is stepping out to reach some dreams! She seems to have really grown and come into her own person these last few years.

I don`t have any big plans for tonight but I am going out to dinner ( Olive Garden here I come! ) with a friend and I may do a little shopping. I have been wanting the Taylor Hicks CD.

I got ambitious today,  (a la pre New -Year- discipline- practicing ) and took my dog for a walk. Geesh, I`m outta shape! And I`m supposed to do this daily, or at the very least several times a week?? Ugh. I mean, er, Yippee!

Can`t wait.


Friday, December 29, 2006

Is it Bedtime Yet?


I just got home from work and had dinner. I worked from 1:15 to 6:30. Not a long shift. I am beat! For nearly two years now I have been taking meds and been on some sort of chemo, so I forget how it feels to be really normal, but let me tell you, I am just tired.

And I`m tired of being tired.

Right now I am still receiving some disability pay, so financially I can get by. What concerns me is I don`t feel anywhere near being ready to work full time again. Not even close. I pray I won`t have to.

Corey is away for a few days with Campus Crusade For Christ. She will enjoy the fellowship of plenty of other Christian college students. They have a New Year`s Eve celebration and I`m happy for her that she is having fun in such a positive way.


I myself am still feeling blah and I`m not sure why. I`ve just been sort of ho-hum ......

I have to let the puppy play for a while and I plan on going to bed early, esp since I have to be at work at 8:15 tomorrow. Speaking of my dog, she is so cute. She makes sounds that seem just like she wants to talk! Anyone else`s dogs do that? I`m trying to teach her to say MAMA, but no luck as of yet. lol Sometimes she makes a noise that sounds like "muh," other times it`s more like "unh."  She is a strange dog in that she loves me so much, yet she`ll get upset with me about something and show me all her teeth and act fierce. In which case I have to warn her I can still pick her up and spank her if I have to! (Which ofcourse will never happen in a million years and she knows that, too.) But I love that she is fiesty. Not really mean ..... I think it`s a game she plays with me to see if she can get the upper hand.

Upper paw?


Obviously I am very tired to reduce my journal to this level of insanity.


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Post Christmas Blah-g


So it`s the day after Christmas and I`m out of holiday mode and ready to move on. Yesterday was a long day. A nice day, but nothing much went on.

Today Corey and I headed to Target for some post-holiday bargains. I bought my Christmas cards for next year. ( half priced, ofcourse! ) I also got some wrapping paper and a couple cute hand towels.

Last year after the decorations were down they all were put away very haphazardly. This year I must label things and have them organized. Drives me nuts!

Corey has a bit of a cold. She took some meds and went to bed. She is leaving in a few days - going on a little new year`s road trip, so I hope she feels better soon.

That`s it for now. Have a good night, everyone!





Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas!


Thanks, Donna , for this lovely tag.


I was tagged by Sugar to take part in this cute little entry I have seen in many of your journals, so here goes:

Three things I DON`T want for Christmas:

1. A country CD

2. Fruitcake

3. Pneumonia ( like last year! )

Three things I DO want for Christmas:

1. A sewing machine

2. Health for myself and family

3. Christian gentleman

( he keeps making it onto my wish list. Where is  he??


So I worked yesterday from 8-5;30. It was a very long day for my part time schedule, but it went by fairly well. We were busy - swamped! - and most of the customers were in good spirits. Everyone said "Merry Christmas", which I found encouraging , esp since hearing all this garbage in the news how Christmas scenes are being banned, and more people are just replying with Happy Holidays etc. That`s just crap! I think the majority of people don`t want that at all. Almost everyone I know celebrates Christmas in some way. And, okay, if you don`t....then you can still have a nice day and be wished a Happy.... < insert holiday >   I think it`s mostly the media playing up these stories and I find it very sad.


Last night the Girlfriendz and I met for dinner. The Girlfriendz are : Patty, Tina, Kim, Don, Deloris, and myself. I have known them  either since grade school, junior high, or high school. We try to get together 2 or 3 times a year, esp during Christmas. We had a lovely dinner at an Italian restaurant and some good conversation. This has been a tradition since we were teenagers. Ofcourse, our gatherings are relatively calm these days....but, back in the day.........!!

So now I must get the house cleaned up and get ready to go out. Corey and I are going grocery shopping. Since it will just be Corey, my mom, and me on Christmas Day, we decided to not cook, but rather to have appetizers, sandwiches, and things like that. Sounds good to me! I have 4 days off now, so I am looking forward to enjoying the holidays.

I`d like to thank these ladies for the Christmas cards I received this week:

Lisa Jo, Barb, and Shermeen!

Have a lovely Christmas, everyone, and remember - Jesus truly is the reason for the season. My prayer for you is that He remains in your hearts and lives all the year long.

Be healthy and well.

Much love,




Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas Plaid



So my Christmas preparations are complete. I like to enjoy Christmas and not be all stressed out. We had a lovely candlelight service at our church on Sunday night. I always look forward to that. Afterwards we met in our fellowship hall for desserts. Everyone brought something. It was a great time. Corey is home from college so she went with me.


Speaking of which, I had asked her to make me a Christmas tote bag. I picked out the plaid fabric, red ribbon and buttons and this is what she came up with. I love it!!



I thought it would be festive to carry my lunch in to work, or a library book, whatever. :)  Since Corey is going to school for fashion design, she is used to sewing and making things like this. She even wears some of the clothes she has made now.




As I said in my previous entry, my chemo treatment went well on Monday, but whhhoa, I did not feel good that evening!  Stomach cramps and nauseous...ugh. But the next morning when I got up for work I felt great and have felt good ever since.  :0)


Tomorrow and Friday I work, and then Friday evening I am supposed to be meeting the Girfriendz for our annual Christmas gathering. More on that later.

Thanks to CHRIS for the adorable puppy tag.

Thanks to JENNY for the beautiful name tag....and also for the lovely Christmas card you sent me!



Monday, December 18, 2006

Hospitals, Soap, and A Rough Road...



Today I made my monthly trek to the Cleveland Clinic. Very busy hospital ..... So many sick people. Upon arrival, I usually head to the restroom. As soon as I step in, the smell of the antibacterial soap brings back memories of my lengthy stay there. Funny how a scent can bring back such vivid memories.


I was first diagnosed with leukemia in one of our local hospitals. I went from feeling just fine to feeling tired and weak, to feeling sicker than I have ever felt in my entire life - to the point where even standing up was a trial. So after some blood work and a painful bone marrow test, I am told I have leukemia. I wasn`t even sure what exactly leukemia was ( cancer of the blood ), but I knew it wasn`t good.


Not good at all.


When I was told I would have to be moved to the Cleveland Clinic for better treatment, I was scared. The only people I had ever known who were treated there were very sick people. I was told the condition was treatable, but that I would have a long and rough road ahead of me. I didn`t want a rough road. I wanted smooth pavement that I could travel along at my leisure.


So I was taken the hour - long ride by private ambulance, laying on a stretcher..... scared, in my pajamas, feeling very vulnerable and alone. There was an ambulance attendant who sat back there with me and I kid you not, he did not stop talking the entire time. He was one of those people who are just superb at what they do. He gave me no time to dwell on what was happening. Although I was teary - eyed, he just kept on talking about the Asking me questions about where I was from and so forth. I will never forget his kindness and the calming effect that he had on my nerves. I wish I could thank him.


Once I was admitted into my room, though, I was scared and crying. Fortunately at that time I did not know that I would have to endure a few more bone marrow tests and about eight sessions of chemotherapy being shot into my spine. Eventually a doctor came into my room and answered every single question that I had. I`m not sure who he was but I will never forget him either. He sat by my bed and chatted with me for a long time. I started to feel like I might be well one day.


I didn`t know that chemotherapy was given through an IV; that I could eat while having it done, or watch tv, or do a crossword puzzle or sleep.


Fast forward One Year and Nine Months Later to Today :


Today while having chemo administered I chose to just sit back in the recliner and listen to my iPod. I put the songs on shuffle, so each song was a surprise, as I had no idea what order they would follow. It was an odd assortment of artists and songs - Backstreet Boys, Queen, Bowie, Jack`s Mannequin, Johnny Cash, KISS, and Barry Manilow.


My bloodwork was very good.  :)


I now know everyone, it seems, when I walk into the cancer center. From the parking attendants, to the greeter dressed in a long - tailed red blazer and black top-hat ...... to the receptionist, the cleaning people, nurses and doctors. I am no longer sitting there in a wheelchair with a barf bucket, but strolling through happy and smiling ( with my own real hair on my head! ), hearing these dear people say, " You look great! " and " Merry Christmas! "


So, yeah, I`m no longer terrified of going there any more. I look forward to it because these people have become my friends and by the grace of God, they helped to make me well once again.




Thanks to Donna for the adorable top tag and to Sugar for finding this lovely ornament for me!

Thanks, Chris, for the name tag from last year. Remember?

Thank you,  Sugar  and Sharon for sending me Christmas cards!





Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tuesday`s Tidings


I have had the past four days off work. I love to have time to do things. I treasure it. I love that I am all caught up with things I needed to get done. ( well, almost )  For years I never ever had enough time ..... always busy, always running, working ..... Now I am single, my daughter is in college, but I do have to spend time helping to care for my mother. This is not easy. For the most part I suppose we get along, but then again we have our moments. We are nothing alike. Night and day! So there are issues. But it`s okay.


Today we went out to lunch and then to a couple stores and then to her doctor appointment. Her eyes have gotten very bad, she`s nearly blind in one eye. She uses a walker. Everything that I`d like for her to remember she`s forgotten, and things that I wish she`d never bring up again from twenty years ago she still talks about! In some ways she acts very childish. I suppose anyone reading this who helps care for an aging parent knows what I mean. But she raised me and cared for me so now it`s my turn to do my share.


I had made a doctor`s appointment for myself today as well for this cold/sinus/throat thing that I`ve had going on. But I felt fine today so I canceled! :0)

Starting tomorrow I`m going to be busy. I`m working Wednesday through Saturday and I`m picking up my daughter on Thusday from college after work. She`s two hours away. Thank God she`s not any further away than that! It seems like I`m driving there quite often. Not that I`m complaining!

Thereare just so many wonderful tag journals here in J-land now!! Especially with the winter/ Christmas season upon us. If I saved every single graphic that I liked I`d probably have enough to last me through several Christmas seasons. LOL

Thanks to Cab's Creations ( Chris ) for the top tag.....  D's Designs ( Donna ) for the bells ...... and   Roxy's Links and Graphics ( Shelly ) for the sig tag. You ladies ROCK!

Love & God bless,


Sunday, December 10, 2006

Join Me For A Cup of Tea?


                LoL..... Just me being silly.


Tonight I did a quick project that I have been wanting to do. It`s easy and didn`t take long.

I took an old bulletin board, covered it with fabric that matches some pillows on my bed and added some blue gingham ribbon. It certainly looks prettier than brown corkboard!

I like the way it turned out.





I love this tag. Every time I see it I feel a sudden urge to make a cup of hot cocoa. Thanks, Donna !

So last night was the work Christmas party. It was held at a bar & grill type place, so I was skeptical at first. But I have to say, it was nice and the food was superb! I think everyone had a good time. I received a lovely gift basket.

I drank root beer as opposed to the glass of wine that I really wanted, but that will have to wait until my treatments are all finished. I also still ....STILL..... have some sort of sinus infection/ scratchy throat thing going on. So I took some Benadryl and 2 Advil before I went to the party. It helped. I may go to the doctor for this again. Last Christmas I was in the hospital with pneumonia, which was the topper to spending Easter in the Cleveland Clinic with leukemia. So this year I`d like to just stay home and enjoy the festivites. :)

In church today I felt my eyes welling up with tears. Just to be able to be in church, singing and having a good time with my friends... that the Lord has seen fit to place me there with a happy heart full of gratitude. The feeling was overwhelming.

If you`d like, you can check out my entry entitled No Room In The Inn in my other journal:

Love and peace!

Friday, December 8, 2006

Gift Exchange


I just wrote an entry and deleted it. I thought it was a funny story about a gift exchange we had last night at our church. But - in doing so, I may have represented someone in an unflattering light. So I couldn`t keep it posted in good consciousness. Oh, well.....

So last night we had our annual ladies` Christmas dinner and gift exchange. One of the women is getting married Christmas Eve, so we threw in a bridal shower as well.

The church looks beautiful, all lit up outside and with gorgeous Christmas trees inside. We are a fairly small congregation, but we have been blessed with a new church building and a wonderful group of people who attend.

Today at work we were treated to a pizza lunch since we have been such good boys and girls. One of our branches in my area was robbed this week. Very scary. I like my job at the bank, but sales is a big issue and that`s the only part of the job I don`t like. But it is a huge part of my job. We do get a pay out if we reach a certain goal of new accounts, but still.

Anyhow, tomorrow night is our work Christmas party. We are all going out to eat - and I`m sure drink, although I won`t be. I would like a glass of wine, but with all my leukemia meds, maybe not.

We have an inch or two of snow on the ground - nothing major.

I am off work until Wednesday! I feel so relaxed. I painted my nails a festive ruby red and had a cup of hot cocoa. Tonight`s plans include: playing with the puppy, slouching around in my pajamas, and having a hot cup of tea in the midst of twinkling Christmas lights.

May the spirit of Christmas be in your hearts all year `round!

                thanks, Missie!


Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Miscellaneous Muse


Another very cold day here in Ohio, but no real snow to speak of. Not in my part, anyhow. I am just far enough south from the Lake Erie/Cleveland/snow belt area to escape much of the blizzard - like weather. Ofcourse, one of the other tellers at work today and myself had the fan turned on, rotating back and forth. Doesn`t matter how cold it is outside, when the hormones tell your brain to have a hot flash, the body responds! LOL

The remainder of this entry is just me and my rambling thoughts.......

1. A pet peeve of Christmas decorating:

Those huge inflatable Santas and snowmen that lay in a heap on the lawn during the day.

2. Why is it that the children play with their dozens of Christmas gifts all year long, but have forgotten about Jesus the very next day?

3. It took up many many years of my life, being happily married and raising a family. Very strong bonds.

 It took about two years for it all to crumble.

4. I love the way Sunkist orange soda fizzes in my throat.

5. My favorite gadget really is not my cell phone, digital camera, or iPod ..... it`s the 'traveler toothpick' that I carry in my purse, which I use ten times more than all those other things.

6. I love to kiss my dog in the morning when she`s asleep, smelling all warm and like a puppy.

7. The guy I broke up with treats me better now, when I`m totally fed up with it all and barely talking to him than he did when we were together. Too little too late.



Thank you, Donna for the beautiful graphic at the beginning of this entry.  And thank you, Missie for the signature.


Monday, December 4, 2006

A Bit Chilly


The low temperature today in my area of northeastern Ohio was 20 degrees. With the wind chill factor, it feels like it`s in the teens. Today was the first day that I have not felt hot. LOL  I kid you not.


Over the weekend I put up our Christmas tree and finished all the decorating. I made some cute and inexpensive decorations for the windows. I just hung some ornaments with different colored curling ribbon, leaving the ribbon long enough to cascade down at least to the length of the ornament. I like the way it looks . Very festive!

Sunday I was lazy. I went to church and then after lunch I slept all day. Put on my jammies, curled up under a warm blanket without a care in the world and just slept. Ahhh.....

Speaking of church, we have a Christmas card exchange there, which I think is a great idea. It`s so fun to go in and check your mail slot and have it filled with cards!

One of my first Christmas cards I received in the regular snail mail this year was from Missie of

Missie's Upside Down World.  Thank you!


AOL is really acting up for me. I still can`t use my file manager. Anyone else STILL having this problem? Ugh!!

Thanks to CHRIS for the tags....... And once again to JENNY for getting me some beautiful music for my journal.



Mandy Goes On An Outing


Wow! This is so much fun!

My Mommy is taking me Bye-Byes!

Car rides are sooo much fun. Ha Ha!

Oooh, let me look out this, no, that window...

No, let me try to climb into the front seat!

Yum, this window tastes good. Let me lick it again....Yum!

Oh, look at that person. He`s a little close to Mommy`s car. I don`t think I like him. Grrrrowl! Ha Ha !

Hmmmm, this feels good when I press my nose to the cold window! Mommy says not to slobber. Yeah, right...whatev.

Oooh, oooh, there`s a little girl smiling at me. Ha, I`ll wag my tail and look cute. Maybe stick out my tongue. Ha!

What`s this in the seat? A tissue! I love to eat tissues. Yum.

This is the best day EVER!!

Friday, December 1, 2006

Windy Way


Today in Ohio we are having gusts of wind up to 50 MPH. It`s crazy! Ofcourse I`ve been out in it all day, taking my mom to a doctor`s appointment and running errands. We stopped at the drug store, Walmart, and had lunch at Friendly`s.

Ever seen a 77-year-old woman with a walker caught in a 50 MPH wind?? LOL

I want to thank Chris of  Cab's Creations  for the adorable Santa tag! I can`t resist a cute dog. :0)  You will never see a bird in my journal. I`m terrified of them. Dogs, yes! My own little Cocker Spaniel, Mandy, is my puppy love. It`s so nice to come home and have her greet me, her little body wiggling like a bowl of Jello, tail wagging, eyes shining. I really do believe that she thinks she owns this place and is doing us a favor by letting us live here and cater to her!

Yesterday I met my friend, Janice, at the Olive Garden for lunch. Yummy. It was a much warmer, nicer day than today weatherwise. I enjoyed my day off, with no schedule, no one to answer to, free to do as I pleased. I walked around the mall a bit. Didn`t buy anything, but I looked at many purses. My weakness. When I got home, I put some Christmas lights up outside. It looks very nice. I`m keeping it simple this year. I hope to have the tree up by this weekend.

Ah, speaking of spoiled puppies.....the princess is calling. I know she wants to play, as she spent a few hours in her cage today.

Hopefully AOL will be nice enough to let me save this entry......
