Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A Busy Day Off

Well, it was indeed a busy day and I accomplished much. Corey and I were out practicing driving, as she still doesn`t have her license. We also went to the bank, Verizon store, and to Olive Garden for lunch.

I wasted about an hour and a half at a local hospital trying to get a simple five minute procedure done - getting the port in my chest flushed out. Since I have just finished treatment, we decided to leave the port in for a while. It`s under the skin so it`s not visible and it doesn`t bother me at all. Anyhow, there was some mix up about the doctor not faxing in the order from the Cleveland Clinic. My doctor in Cleveland and I thought it was all set to go, but I guess not. So to make a long story short, I left. We did get it all straightened out a couple hours later. Now I have to go back a different day. Oh well.......

Then we went grocery shopping. Geez, having a college student home can run up one`s bill!

I`m off to take a quick shower and catch some American Idol.....................


Anonymous said...

i'm glad Corey is home and you two are having a good time together. I havent been to OG in yrs.....i cant eat their delicious salad anymore! Boo hoo.

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good day and got a lot done, except for the hospital of course. Hope it is all cleared up now.  I don't think I could afford to feed my family any more...groceries are expensive.  I find myself spending as much for myself and the critters as I did when some of the babes were still home.  I know you won't mind though,  it is great to have them come home.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sounds BUSY!
Love ya kiddo, have a good rest of the week.

Anonymous said...

You did have a busy day...of course any day that ends up dealing with doctors is prone to be a busy day, or at least one where you don't have much time outside of the doctor's office.


Anonymous said...

You are so creative- love the way you did your graphic on this entry - Sorry things didn't work out as planned with the doctors appt. - but maybe the next trip up you can have another lunch out! Kids period are expensive, but well worth every penny! Have a wonderful day tomorrow and the rest that follow! Take care.

Anonymous said...

We don't get American Idol till Friday night so i am busy trying hard not to find out the results.

Jenny <><

Anonymous said...

Love the effect of that tag, Penny.  Becky didn't get her driver's license until she was 20.  She never really wanted to drive.  Sheesh, all that and you didn't get the port flushed.  Hope it works out for you.  LOL...I fell asleep and missed Jordin winning.  Ugh...I do that all the time.  Love ya, Chris

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good day off. I'm dreading when my son gets his license. Maybe I don't want to have to worry MORE huh? Selfish reasons, I guess! LOL!
Geez, if I were there I'd flush out that port for you!  UGH hospitals!

Anonymous said...

I remember when each of my children got their drivers license. What trauma! LOL
Can you imagine how many (new) drivers- all teens, hit the highway this summer, after getting their license to drive? I have yet to try the Olive Garden- will have too soon. Everybody keeps telling me how great it is.
Have an AWESOME weekend,