Saturday, November 18, 2006

OSU Still Winning


I feel like a bad Ohioan, not watching the OSU/Michigan game. I mean, it`s on in the other room, I`m just not watching it. Last time I checked, Ohio State was still winning. Everywhere I went today I saw Ohio State shirts. I hope they win, being Ohio and all.... I just can`t get all caught up in it.

I have to confess that the kitchen pictured in my previous entry is not my own. Maybe I would actually do some cooking if I had a kitchen like that.

Nah, probably not!    <hates to cook>

A few entries back I mentioned my friend`s son-in-law who was shot in the head and the bullet is still in the brain, too risky to remove. Well, he is home and recovering. AND they caught the kid who shot him - a 16-year old. There were two others with him and I`m not sure if they have been caught yet or not.

In another entry I had mentioned I know a couple who just met not long ago and they are getting married soon. I`m happy for them, just wondering when my own prince charming will come along again. But yet I can`t help but feel that with this couple getting married, that one of the persons is getting the better deal. I`m not sure I could be as trusting and have as much faith in this person as they seem to have. Ah well, I guess that`s why I am still waiting for my prince to show up! I was married sixteen years, much of it happy, so I can`t complain. I`m basically happy being single, so I`m in no rush, esp when I see so many married people who are unhappy. Then I see a couple of my friends getting involved in relationships and now they seem to be fretting and emotionally hurting. I`m waiting for the right one to come along.  :0)

I worked all day yesterday in the drive-up at the bank. It was very busy and I was drained when I got out of there! I came home and went to bed! When/if the time comes when I have to go back to work full time, I hope I can do it. I`ve been taking leukemia meds since my diagnosis in March of 2005, so I don`t really know how I`ll feel once I`m off them. I`d love to just work part time, but what with a new car, daughter in college, and other bills.... who knows. The good thing is, I got my medical insurance back. When I was about half way through my chemo treatments, I lost my insurance. So I`ve been back to work since June, and was able to get it again. No more $400 a month for medicine!

When I get anxious about my future and working full time, I just have to remind myself that God has gotten me through this far - He`ll watch over me the rest of the way, I`m sure!

       Hebrews 13:5  For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

I`m going to peek at the game again. It`s been very close all along. I imagine the fans have been on the edge of their seats the entire time.

31-35 OSU winning with 6 minutes to go. I may not know a lot about football but I do know that with six minutes remaining, it will take a good half hour yet. lol!


Thank you, Missie's Magical Creations for the beautiful tag.


Anonymous said...

LOL..Penny, you might not cook in the kitchen but you could get lost eating in it.  I don't watch much college football at all.  I watch the Steelers sometimes but I'm a fair weather fan.

Now, you know there is no settling, Ms. Penny.  Only the best for you so be patient and wait to see what the Lord sends your way because good guys are hard to find.

Full time work, God will bring you to that when the time is right.  I can't say anything about it because I can't keep up with it.  I'm not sure why the 4 ten hour days worked so well because so many I work with hate the long days.

Amazing that the young fellow is home.  Does he have any side effects from the bullet?  Love ya, Chris

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, no...not football!  (I hate football, but don't tell anyone, okay?)  Nice that you got your insurance back.  How awful that you had to go without for a while.  Let me tell you, if I had a kitchen like that, I would cook, more!  Jae

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That is tragic that your friend's SIL was shot.    I am glad that one was caught and hope the other two will face justice also.    You will know when the time is right for you to return to full time at the bank.    I am single and my health is keeping me down so I am not making a priority of finding someone.     I tend to just want to rest at home and try to get some things done on my home with the help of a worker.    My funds are running out and I have debt to pay off.     Wishing you and your family a good Thanksgiving.      mark

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We watched them win.  The game was very exciting. I'd love part-time work but not right now. 3 more years then I think I'll try it.  Have a great Sunday !  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

i know many who bet their house and car pymts on the OSU game yesterday...guess they have extra cash to spend now huh? Meg and her BF wanted to go to Cols and go to a party on Sat and i flat out refused to let her go. She wasnt too mad.
I hope you find Mr. Right soon too...when you meet him, he sure will be getting an awesome lady in you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have been keeping yourself busy lately.  Your prince charming will show up when you least expect it.  Hope you have a nice Sunday Penny.


Anonymous said...

I love your entries Penny.  Prince Charming will show up...just remember they are never what they are cracked up to be.  Love ya, Katie