I woke up today sneezing and sniffling and with a sore throat. I guess that explains why I felt so blah yesterday. Nonetheless, it was a fairly busy day for me. I got up early to go to Walmart to do a bit of grocery shopping. Okay, I bought a pair of jeans and a sweater, too. :>) I hate to admit to buying clothes there, but the jeans are reasonable and I actually found a pair that fits good. Most of mine have a flair, which I love, only to find out that`s not the style now. Now the thing is tapered at the bottom. I asked my daughter last week when we were on vacation if my jeans, which had some flair at the bottom looked stupid now. She said, "No, mom, they look good. I mean it`s not like you`re 20. " Uh.....thanks. I think. Anyhow, I also got a greyish hooded sweater. Very pretty.
Note to self > Never throw out or give away clothes. They always come back in style eventually. ( SAVE FLAIRED JEANS )
So then I go to work. I was scheduled in the drive - thru. ( I work in a bank. ) So, figuring it would be relatively quiet, I buy 2 magazines to take with me so I can read when it`s slow. It turns out I was in the lobby all day, we were VERY short staffed and I barely had time to breath all day, let alone pop my Halls cough drops! Geesh.
One of our girls got promoted and went to another branch. She got everyone a goodbye gift, but I didn`t know this because I was on vacation last week. I was surprised when I got to work to see a lovely gift bag waiting for me. I got the most beautiful candle from her. Check it out:

The green pieces of glass on the top sparkle with the candlelight. I love it and it smells like Honeydew!
Being a bank teller is a lot like being a bar tender. We chat with everyone, hear their problems, talk about our kids,our lives. I swear, I should have a cup sitting there marked TIPS. ( One time at another bank I worked in, we used to laugh because this one teller, for some reason, was the one every person opened up to. Customers would stand there forever telling her their woes. We put a sign at her window: The Doctor Is IN. ) It was hilarious. ( guess ya had to be there. ) Anyhow, I was chatting with a customer, telling him about the juice Corey spilled in her Mac computer, and he says take a hair dryer to it. So I talked to her a little bit ago and told her. She tried it and it worked! lol! Another prayer answered. The computer is working!!!!
Note to self > Think twice before letting daughter buy expensive toys.
LOL, in all honesty, she almost had to buy it to do her fashion designs on at school.
By the way, I have decided, after my big pillow making extravaganza, that I want a sewing machine. I have no clue how to use one, but this seems to be the year that I`m learning all kinds of new things. I once stapled a shirt together in Home Ec class in junior high school and got a big fat F on it. lol. Teacher couldn`t take a joke, I guess. Watch some of my old friends be reading this entry...How much you wanna bet they`ll email me and snicker about it? They have never let me forget that. Never. We`ll see who`s laughing when Penny`s Pillow Factory makes it`s first cool million. Ha ha.
I`m off to find something for my poor sore throat. :/